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Knowing Your "Why"

Do you understand your purpose in life?


Out of the nearly 400 people who have completed my Self Mastery Scorecard quiz, over one third find that “Life’s Purpose” is their primary area of self mastery to work on.


A purpose in life is not something that is bestowed on you. It is something that you can work on to discover within yourself based on your values, desires, beliefs, experience, and what you want to achieve. We all have a purpose – a unique code and script that defines where we find meaning, fun, and happiness. It’s just a question of whether you have discovered what that purpose is.


A purpose will allow you to navigate life with a compass and a map. If you’ve ever felt like you’re lacking direction, a purpose will help you align yourself.

Living with Purpose

Consider a fly and a bee. If you notice a fly, it tends to buzz around aimlessly, getting in the way, sitting on food, and flying in your face. You are inclined to swat it away because it is bothering you. However, when you notice a bee, it is also buzzing around, but it is doing so for a reason. It flits between flowers gathering pollen and nectar to take back to its hive and make finger-licking-good honey. It is a key part of our ecosystem. You are inclined to leave it be and stay out of its way. The bee has a purpose in life.


Are you a fly, or are you a bee?


Your life’s purpose can also be described as your vision for life. You can understand it by understanding your mission. For example, if your vision is to reduce national poverty, your mission will be how you intend to achieve that, such as pursuing a career in politics and rising through the ranks to be able to influence change on a policy level.


Having a clear life purpose provides clarity in moments of uncertainty and serves as a foundation for making decisions in every aspect of your life. Whether you're at a crossroads in your career, facing personal challenges, or deciding where to invest your time and energy, knowing your purpose allows you to align your actions with your ultimate goal.


Without a clear purpose, life’s decisions can feel overwhelming or random, leading to a sense of aimlessness. However, once you know your final goal, every move you make can contribute toward achieving it. Your purpose becomes the lens through which you evaluate opportunities, challenges, and choices. It helps you stay focused on what truly matters, avoiding distractions and detours that don’t serve your greater vision.


When I worked to define my purpose in life, I asked myself the following questions:


  • What do you like about yourself?

  • What don’t you like about yourself?

  • If you knew you were going to die in 6 months, how would you live your life? (Assuming that you still have to work, and your environment wouldn’t change.)

  • How will you live your life as it stands?

  • Do you have a hero – dead, alive, or fictitious? What traits do you like about them? What is it about them that you wish you could have?

  • What would you write in a eulogy for yourself, as if you had lived your fullest life and lived out your deepest desires?


All of these questions, and therefore your answers, are interconnected. After you have completed these, you will start to see themes around your mission and purpose. These themes lead you to your purpose.


What is your vision for your life here on earth?


You can read more about discovering your life’s purpose in Chapter 10 of my book, Stone Heart Light Heart


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